Understanding Agile Project Management Software

Agile project management software is an approach which is used in guiding and planning processes of a particular project. The software enables organizations or individuals to complete a whole project in small sections instead of tackling the whole project at once. These small sections are normally referred to as iterations.

The software enables users or the management to review and at the same time critique the team (employees or representatives of business) which are involved in the project. The understanding which is gained from critiquing iterations is then used in deciding on the next step in the project. In most cases, iterations in the project are designed to take two weeks at most to be completed.

In most cases agile project management is used in the development of software which is used in responding to unpredictability involved in businesses. The software enables organizations to respond to issues as they arise. Agile project management has the following components:

1. Visual Control

This is basically used by the team in planning and organizing for their work. This can be done using a number of colors that represent a particular solution which may be pinned on the wall or elsewhere. Various colors can be used to represent various features and solutions which makes it easier to see at a glance what you will get if you go with a particular color. This enables each member to view the project in a similar way which makes it easier in achieving the goals of the project.

2. Effective and Performing Teams in Agile Project Management

All the members especially the key members are co located. This is important as it increases co-ordination and communication within the team. This requires that members be very collaborative as this is what will determine the final results of the project.

3. Test Driven

Customer requirements in a project may not be well understood and this is where agile project management comes in. They come up with a test driven development which takes care of the test plan and the requirements. This makes it possible in ascertaining whether the requirements are all (complete) and testable.

4. Adaptive

Members who are involved in all the iterations are constantly getting adapted. It is highly dynamic hence requires that the project manger be seen to be leading the teams rather than being a task master. The software enables the manager in building relationships, coming up with group rules and enhancing collaboration amongst the teams. As the teams get used to a particular iteration, they become better and effective in those steps that follow.

5. Feature Driven

As a team, agile project management enables a team to only focus on a particular feature at a time instead of focusing on how complex the overall project is. A team working on feature one will only be concerned with it and not feature two three or four.

6. Focus on Costs and Revenues

The software enables managers to prioritize features in terms of costs and benefits. Benefits must always surpass the cost in any feature that a team is dealing with as this is business and revenues must be more as opposed to costs. This is the reason why agile project management software is recommended to businesses.


Mark is the Lead Author & Editor of Spectechular Blog. Mark established the Spectechular blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Management.