The Week’s Best in Product Management

In this week’s best in product management, we look into the future for a Product Management movement, look at a roadmap for balance and outline some basic laws for PM and life.

1. The Future of Product Management is in a Movement

In this article by Gabriel Steinhardt he looks into the need to create a movement in product management, which will help consist of forward looking people who are consistent participatory and engaged in the product management movement.

2.Basic Laws for Product Management and Life
Frank Lio’s article outlines basic laws for product management and for life. In particular, he outlines the Law of the Vital Few and the Law of Triviality.


3.Product Management Stories: Sam Lessin
In Bing Gordon’s article he interviews Sam Lessin, former VP of Facebook Product Management about several poignant moments in his product management career. Lessin’s insights provide a great glimpse into the industry.

4.Product Management – Roadmap Balance 
In this article by Richard Allen, you’ll learn about how to handle five different types of enhancements over the product lifecycle. If you’re struggling to find balance in the roadmap process, this article will absolutely help.

5.How Much Should The Customer Matter to Product Managers? 

Finally in this article we discuss the significance of customer feedback for the project manager and about how to involve your customers in order to cater to their needs.


Mark is the Lead Author & Editor of Spectechular Blog. Mark established the Spectechular blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Management.