Top Product Management Weekly News

Product management is a crucial organizational role within a business which is involved in the development, marketing and sale of products. A good product manager provides the link between the business, technology, and the user experience. Here are the best articles I’ve read this week about product management.

1.Technical Product Manager-What It’s all About

The technical product manager is not a specific role, but rather a term used to describe a tech-savvy product manager, working on technical products and having a technical background. A technical product manager is well aware of the technical trends and standards. Keeping up with technology is a sure way of product managers bolstering their job security.

2. Journal on Product Design and Development

There are many problems faced by product managers that relate to getting things done and creating useful products. A product manager needs to build a team structure for the company so as to build predictive analytic applications that are based on big data. The teams may include a team for Web Application programming and user experience design.

3. How to Find Customers for Your Product Development Interviews

It is always essential to talk to potential customers about your product before investing in building it. You will need to know your target customer, know their location and make a friendly request for help. After finding the right people, learn as much as you can from them.


4. A Chat with the Product Manager of Wyse Workspace, Patrick Rouse

It is the ultimate pleasure talking to Patrick Rouse, who has been in the Server Computing market for many years and currently heading the product management at Workspace. Patrick Rouse’s career has shifted from CTP to Marine Corps, to Quest and also to Dell.

5. Great TED Talk; Are We Controlling Our Own Decisions?

We are never as rational as we think we are when making our decisions. We always go for the default options that are often made for us since we believe that the other options are complex. We should always try to understand our cognitive weaknesses so as to improve our decision making.

Mark is the Lead Author & Editor of Spectechular Blog. Mark established the Spectechular blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Management.