Your Checklist to Balancing Agile Development with UX

* This article is part of a book called “How a Product Manager Can Keep Customers Happy when Releasing a Major Product Update“ Where did the start menu go?  Microsoft learned the hard way that changing the user interface can kill an upgrade and lead to customer confusion and frustration.   With customized solutions, the

3 Steps to Making Better Product Management Decisions

“Product managers have to make many decisions every day…And the process by which a product manager makes such decisions can result either in an extremely well-functioning team dynamic or… quite the opposite.” — Sachin Rekhi A Product Manager’s role is a constant, never-ending balancing act between striking the right balance between customers, technology and business. It

Product Management Face-Off – Universal Studios vs. Disneyland

Who doesn’t love Disneyland (besides parents, mid-twenties, seniors, people who hate waiting in line)?  But then why again do we always say “I’m going to Disneyland” after you accomplish something, win a Superbowl championship, which I’ve obviously done, or anything else of magnitude. One of the various reasons is their product management. Disney has a