Great TED Talk: Are we in control of our own decisions?

Using visual illusions as a metaphor, behavioral economist Dan Ariely shows that we’re not as rational as we’d like to think we are when we make decisions. One poignant example of irrational behavior Ariely uses is in the disparity between organ donators between different countries in Europe (5:08 in video). While some may think that

Great Video: The Era of Open Innovation

Charles Leadbeater, in this TED talk, proposes that the traditional method of thinking about creativity and innovation is becoming increasingly wrong. The traditional idea is that organized groups of special individuals are able to spark ideas, and then companies will pipeline them to passive consumers. The era of open innovation suggests that the user and

The Complete Agile Lifecycle Management Guide

Make your business rise above any challenging market conditions by implementing agile lifecycle management systems that are tailor made to achieve long lasting results. The management systems will help you structure your business so that you can accelerate revenue, reduce your general business costs and improve the quality of your product. Once these important elements of

The Software Development Methodologies You Need to Know

Software development methodologies also known as system development methodologies, software development life cycle, software process or the software development process is a framework of software engineering concerned with the structure, control and plan in the process of developing an information system. The methodology is concerned with the organizational aspects surrounding software creation. The Software Development

Agile Product Management with SCRUM – Best Practices

In the recent years, the process of agile product management with SCRUM created a great impression on the business world, especially in the field of the IT development. While there are different approaches to agile development, one of the most famous processes in this area is called SCRUM. Because of it, many software developers have