The Complete Software Product Development Process Explained

Software product development is the process of designing, creating and marketing new products or services for clients. The process involves a series of systemic steps required in development of a new software product. Basically, it is a framework or structure followed by a development team within a software organization. This well-defined process improves the quality of software product as well as the overall development process.

The Complete Software Product Development Process Explained

Software Product Development Process Comprises of the Following activities

Gathering Requirements

The first step is to extract the requirements of the software product and analyze the scope or feasibility of the development process. The requirements are segregated into system requirements, user requirements and functional requirements. Once the requirements are collected, feasibility of the project is determined. This requirement analysis process is done by the most experienced and skilled software engineers in the company.

Software Design

Once the feasibility study is completed, the developers decide the road map of their design plan. System analysis is done and the best software model is selected for the project. Software design is basically the blue print of the application.


During this phase, the software engineers start writing the code as per the client’s requirements. This is the longest phase of the software product development process, and requires allotment of tasks to several software engineers in the team.


This phase involves findings bugs or defects in the created software. The functionality of an application is checked against the requirements of the client. Detailed testing is done by test engineers at various stages of programming, like module testing, program testing, in-house testing etc. If any bug is detected, the product is sent to the developers to fix it up. The process continues until the software is bug free or working according to the requirements.


The next important step is the documentation of the internal design of the software for future references and for the improvement of software in the development process. Documentation consists of information on how to use the software and how to keep it operational. API or Application programming interface is written during the design documentation.


Once the product is tested and made bug-free according to the requirements, it is installed or deployed at customer’s place for their use. If required, the customers or users are trained on, and documented material is provided to them.


Software maintenance is done for future reference. When the customers start using the software or product, they may encounter certain hidden bugs or problems that need to be solved from time to time. This is done by the maintenance team. The software is update according to the changes taking place at the user end- technology or environment.

Products that are not user friendly have no place in the market even if they are engineered using the best technology. The above mentioned phases make the product development process smooth and efficient, and enhance the experience of the product for the customer. Each and every phase of software product development process carries its own significance and work synergistically in successful implementation of any project.

Mark is the Lead Author & Editor of Spectechular Blog. Mark established the Spectechular blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Management.