The Top Product Lifecycle Management Software

Product lifecycle management software is hot in the world of SaaS, right now. Why? New SaaS models are redefining product management  and businesses are shifting to the cloud. With all this change comes a new definition for product lifecycle management.

So, what amazing product lifecycle management software have those intrepid SaaS developers created?  How will businesses be able to facilitate this advanced world of software ?

On the surface, things aren’t going to seem much different, but on the underlying technical level, the software has drastically improved.

#1 – Genius Project
Genius Project is one of those new systems that reflects product management and lifecycle as an ongoing project. There is no final outcome to reach, rather a continuous loop of slight changes and improvements. Genius Project emphasizes smaller goals. Features include portfolio management, tracking, cost and budget management, social collaboration and workflow management.   Genius Project is known for its easy to use invoicing system and timesheets. Genius Project is the one size fits all software for all businesses.

#2 – Pivotal Tracker
Pivotal Tracker embraces logistics and analytics; one of the tougher areas Product lifecycle management software. It offers task tracking, prioritization, document sharing, one-view access, real time collaboration, agile workflow (with windowed management) and widespread mobile integrations.
Pivotal tracker is great for start-ups, although large businesses might find it a bit limiting.

#3 – PlanBox
For those looking for interoperability, there’s PlanBox. While it offers all of the features that the other two on the list have, PlanBox is famous for its integration capabilities. It integrates with Github, Zendesk, Google, Snapengage, and many others. PlanBox also has an open API, time tracking and intuitive mobile app compatibility (with Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile and Blackberry). PlanBox is the top choice for big businesses.

These are the top product lifecycle management software solutions available right now. New ones pop up daily, so I will keep you up to date as the software changes.

Mark is the Lead Author & Editor of Spectechular Blog. Mark established the Spectechular blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Management.