This Week’s Best Reads in Product Management

This week’s best in Product Management help you in building the perfect product launch, justify your worth, and even provide an effective field guide to PM best practices.

1. Why Companies Need Full-Time Product Managers (And What They Do All Day)

Rian van der Merwe’s article about the definition of product management and the role of product manager will give you a new look at the role, and  why the PM is still so essential to the continued success of every company.

2. Product Management Maturity Model

This article by Ian Lunn discusses the usefulness of the Product Management maturity model in developing product management maturity.

3. Product Management Field Guide: Best Practices for Getting Started

Nicolas Martin’s article presents us with a field guide to better PM practices. These practices and solutions can help you bring your product to life and design elegant and simple solutions.

4. The Right Way to Launch a Successful New Product

This article by Frank Robinson can help you get on track for a successful launch by running through some of the most critical tasks and steps necessary. You can find a step by step guide here to the perfect product launch.

5. Is Your Software Launch Good to Go?

Finally this article helps you assess whether or not your software launch is ready to go. From assessing quality, content and ease of use I hope you’ll find this guide particularly informative.


Mark is the Lead Author & Editor of Spectechular Blog. Mark established the Spectechular blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Management.