This Week’s News in Product Management

This week’s best in PM take a look at pros and cons of product management, some curses and benefits of forward thinking nad design thinking as well.

1. The Pros and Cons of Product Management

Dan Schmidt’s article outlines the pros and cons of the PM role for those who are evaluating options in adjacent careers. His article draws on some of the best answers in the industry, and some excellent graphics.


2.The Curse of the Platform Product Manager

In this article by Brian De Haaff he looks at some of the biggest challenges facing the platform product manager.  He also looks at the way that these challenges can actually be leveraged into new opportunities.

3. Design Thinking and Product Management

In Rajat Harlalka’s article he focuses on key areas of product management, particularly design thinking and product manager skills. Looking at the particulars of design thinking dimensions using helpful graphics, Harlalka’s article can help us look at the importance of creativity in an otherwise traditional PM role.

4.How Well Do Product Managers Know These Mad Men Ads And Accounts

Finally in this article we give you a free product management ebook which will help you become a Mad Man worthy Product Manager.

Mark is the Lead Author & Editor of Spectechular Blog. Mark established the Spectechular blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Management.