As a product manager, I find it important to consistently keep being updated on the latest product management tools, trends, and general mood. I started as a young product manager many years ago in a galaxy far, far away. However, as I grew older and the force grew stronger within me, I learned more tricks and tips on how to successfully manage my products and team.
As product management was a new position, I studied the profession through conferences, friends and articles I found online. Today the product management profession is more popular and becoming more critical to companies. In order to continue to deliver top quality products, it’s important to be up to date with the latest developments and applications.
The Evolution of Product Management Tools
Brian de Haaf is quickly becoming one of my favorite product management writers. His insights about the product management community have become respected worldwide. In this article he lets product managers know what new tools they have at hand, and how to use them effectively and ingeniously. Not every tool that he mentions springs to mind immediately, but after a concise explanation you may start using his tools as well.

4 Tips for Launching Minimum Products Inside Big Companies
Sometimes you may feel as if your role isn’t significant enough to really make a difference. You want to make your product red, but your company is known for only producing bright yellow products. Debbie Madden gives us a few insider tips on how to launch your product within big companies in 4 easy steps.
So You Want to Be a Product Manager (Part 2)
Now that you read all of the following blogs you may be wondering how to become a product manager. Andrea Saez has a fun blog post allowing you to learn how to stand out and turn into a product manager. It is still an up and coming profession and so not every company feels the need to have a product manager, but you never know when the position may pop up.
Video: A Girl’s Guide to Product Management by Amanda Richardson
I like to think that I read a lot, but lately I’ve started listening to books on tape. Sometimes it’s nice to stop reading and just watch a speech. Amanda Richardson gives a great presentation on how women can get into the product management. Product managers are predominantly male, but I’m looking forward to seeing women take the lead.
How to Position Your Product in a Competitive Market
Sometimes you may have the best product, but you think to yourself “There are so many successful similar product in the market already, I’ll never break into the market!” This blogpost lets you figure out how to position your product in a market you thought was impossible to break into.