Great Video: Product Management Team (Office Parody)

 By: Mark @Spectechular Silver  A friendly and interactive corporate culture starts with the unique boss, who is always thinking of the next big feature and runs his operations in a very engaging, fun, yet effective manner. This infectious attitude spreads throughout the entire office, so that everyone can be involved in meetings, brain storming sessions and feels comfortable

The 4 Key Ingredients of a Magnificent Product Manager

 By: Mark @Spectechular Silver   A product manager needs the skills to undertake a range of different tasks and the ability to manage available resources to produce a high-quality end result. It takes an individual with the right set of skills and experiences to effectively balance all of the responsibilities of a product manager. While there are countless qualities

Excellent TED Talk for Product Managers: The Art of Choosing

By: Mark @Spectechular Silver The way we make choices from the most arbitrary to the most compelling is in many ways informed by our upbringing and culture. Sheena Iyengar explores fundamental assumptions that Americans have on how choices are made, and how these lessons that teaches us to realize potential of choice. One key point is that we

Extensive Lean Product Development Process Overview

Lean product development refers to a lean approach that meet the dynamics and challenges of product development process notably: High development costs Need for innovative solutions Many redevelopment cycles High production costs Long production cycle Toyota Company began their journey with this process at Toyoda Loom Works. Toyota understood that in order to build a

Infographic: The Value of Product Management

By: Mark @Spectechular Silver Product Management is a core marketing function that provides substantial value to a business, as they drive the product development process in businesses of any size. Product Managers serve as vital leaders as well as intermediaries in the process, serving a variety of internal and external parties as the reference for product strategy and

3 Different Types of Product Managers- Which are You?

By: Mark @Spectechular Silver Product managers come from a range of different backgrounds, each carrying its own set of experiences and leadership tools. A study by Mind the Product found that 40% of product managers had a degree in science or engineering, while 34% pursued a degree in business and 26% in the arts. There are a variety