VIDEO : “The Product Manager” Explains Her Role

 By: Mark @Spectechular Silver  What is the role of a product manager? Is he/she the boss who hires and fires at  will? This animation video provides a useful guide to the roles and mandate of any product manager. You learn a lot about what is expected of you in the organizational  hierarchy. (1)Describes the roles of the manager

R&D for the ‘Born-on-the-Web’ Generation: Part 2 – Interview with IBM’s Director of Product Line Management

Last week Richard Talbot, IBM’s Director of Product Line Development, told us about IBM’s exciting Innovation Jams and how IBM keeps a competitive edge in an ever-changing agile environment. (Did you miss it?  No problem. Catch up here) This week, IBM will talk to us about tackling Big Data challenges with their new power system

CobaltPM Review

In case you work in an organization you may have come across CobaltPM. Actually this is a cloud based project management software. The software makes it easy for you to manage projects in your entire organization. In an organization, different teams many be working from different departments but through use of CobaltPM you will be

Interview with IBM’s Director of Product Line Management – IBM’s Innovation JAMS – Part 1

Our agile environments demand innovation. How do we stay ahead of our competition? How do we ensure we are delivering products and updates that our clients want and demand? IBM has developed a system to tackle these issues. Ever heard of an Innovation Jam? If you haven’t IBM has something AMAZING to teach you. Innovation