Product management KPIs are very crucial to the success of any project, especially if it is grand and involves multiple phases. KPIs are the best existing way of managing projects and products to ensure the activities remain within set scopes. KPI is simply an acronym for key performance indicators which are used to measure…
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VIDEO: Product Management Strategy Gap
It’s important to produce a high-quality product, but it takes more than that to be successful. This video by Maximal Product Management explores two key product management areas where many businesses are lacking: strategy and process. The video does a good job of pointing out key areas where a lot of businesses are lacking and…
Agile Development Tools Compared
Agile development tools have been created to offer solutions to organizations which would otherwise crumble with the heavy weight of project management. They promote growth, enhance teamwork, collaboration and process adaptability.The tools are tailored in form of tools boxes which operates for a limited period of time and involving a variety of processes. Agile provides an…
Video for Product Managers: Understand A/B Testing
A/B testing can be a valuable tool to help your business, but before you start using this kind of testing it’s important to answer one important question: What exactly is it? In a video for Docstoc, Jorge Garcia of Garcia Analytics sets out to tackle this question. This video is a valuable tool because it…
4 Tactics to Deliver Greater Functionality in Less Time
The product life cycle is short. Product lifecycles continue to get shorter and shorter as customers’ expectations rise. You need to continue to be competitive while identifying, prioritizing and implementing changes in product development and improvement. Adopting improvements in order to deliver better product functionality does not have to be arduous. Delivering improvements means that…
Waterfall Methodology Advantages and Disadvantages
The waterfall methodology is one of the models often used in product management, especially for those whose costs are prohibitive and iterative approach is almost impossible. This model simulates the literal phenomenon of a waterfall. When the water flows over a cliff, it can never turn back. This model follows a linear and sequential path…
Great Video: Strategic Role of Product Management in 3 Mins!
This video by Kevolve gives a great overview of the different aspects involved in product management and how they fit into a business’s overall strategy. It does a good job of breaking down the complex systems of product management into four categories each with a subset of smaller categories. Marketing intelligence, strategy, new product development…